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Pink Ego Box

Pink Ego Box


...Your number has been called.





everything you are
and everything you were
your number has been called
fights, battles have begun
revenge will surely come
your hard times are ahead

you've got to be the best
you've got to change the world
and you use this chance to be heard
your time is now

everything you are
and everything you were
your number has been called
fights and battles have begun
revenge will surely come
your hard times are ahead

you've got to be the best
you've got to change the world
and you use this chance to be heard
your time is now

let yourself down
don't let yourself go

your last chance has arrived

you've got to be the best
you've got to change the world
and you use this chance to be heard
your time is now



Para ti:

(Sei que adoras esta música...acho que a letra diz muito. Espero que quando a oiças sintas que podes realmente mudar o mundo...porque podes.)





Another day!



Para actualizar deixo uma música que gosto dos X-wife, "On the radio". Descobri esta banda portuense há pouco tempo e gosto do som. Tenho de procurar mais música deles. Entretanto aqui fica o clip.









....e como nem sempre se tem só uma coisa para dizer altero o meu post com outra novidade. Li ontem algo acerca de um projecto chamado "Amália Hoje" que conta com as vozes de Sónia Tavares dos The Gift e de Fernando Ribeiro dos Moonspell. Consiste numa abordagem nova às músicas de Amália Rogrigues. Como fiquei curiosa,  fui à procura e deixo-vos também a música "A Gaivota". Gostei muito de ouvir,está muito, muito bom. Espero que gostem também.







Could I....

Incubus - A Kiss To Send Us Off

Meet me here
On November 11th, come alone
Bring your mouth
And selective irreverence
we'll both see stars. Just...

Kiss before the sky it falls
This cloud we're hovering on!

A kiss to send us off
A kiss to send us off
A kiss to send us off

Kill your doubts
With the coldest of weapons
No more words, oh
Just the sound of the resplendent
Tongues colliding

Kiss before the sky it falls
This cloud we're hovering on!

A kiss to send us off
A kiss to send us off
A kiss to send us off

A kiss to send us off
A kiss to send us off
A kiss to send us off

Here I am
there you are
On a wire connecting our hearts
There's a string, and it's tied, to a kite
There's a storm, in the sky
Now the clouds become electric
There you are, here I am
Could I...

A kiss to send us off
A kiss to send us off
A kiss to send us off

Digam lá se a letra não é sugestiva.....?
Gostei, gostei, gostei! E...e...e...pronto!